Drama at Emmanuel College is an exciting and demanding elective subject with nine secondary classes currently operating.
By studying this ancient art form, students acquire skills in interpretation, communication, performance and critical analysis and become aware of the technical processes and technologies that may be used to heighten dramatic presentation.
Drama develops the talents and capacities of all students and provides them with crucial life skills through its emphasis on teamwork, project planning, critical analysis and effective communication.
Authentic performance opportunities underpin the delivery of Drama at Emmanuel College. Professionally directed productions, the Emmanuel Arts Festival, along with Speech and Drama recitals, offer students the challenge of performing in a safe and supportive environment.
The Emmanuel College Drama staff are highly qualified teachers who are also passionate about performing and directing. Significantly, their teaching is informed by professional industry experience, which includes work at leading theatres throughout Australasia, Great Britain and Europe.
Emmanuel College’s Drama curriculum is strongly supported by a vibrant Co-curricular Drama program which includes three Drama Clubs and a Speech and Drama program delivering both the Trinity Guildhall and AMEB Syllabi.
For general enquiries regarding Emmanuel College Drama, please contact the Performing Arts Centre via:
Mrs Jane Allen
07 5561 4088
[email protected]