The School Board

The School Board

The College is owned and operated by the legal entity, Emmanuel College, a public company limited by guarantee. This not-for-profit company has about 150 members, mostly current or past parents. The Company elects a Board of Directors, who serve renewable three year terms.

The Board is very stable, conservative in management, but imaginative and open to creative and visionary ideas. The Board sets the broad strategic direction of the College and approves the budget. The Board has a minimum of 8 and maximum of 12 members, including the Principal who is an executive member of the Board with full Director rights and responsibilities. The College’s Business Manager undertakes the role of Company Secretary.  

The Board operates a number of standing committees, including a Finance Committee, Capital Works Committee, Governance Committee, Quality & Risk Committee and Members Committee.

The current members of the College Board are:

Mr Corey Lun
Non-Executive Director
Treasurer, Board Chair

Mrs Kerry Hands
Dip.Acctg, B.AdminLeadership (Acctg&Mgt), GradCertAcctg
Non-Executive Director
Vice Board Chair

Mrs Tracey Hickey
Dip Min, MBA, MProjMgt, AAIPM, AMAMI
Non-Executive Director

Dr Darren Iselin
BTeach, BEd, M Ed, PhD, MACE
Non-Executive Director

Dr Graham Leo
BA, Dip Ed, B Ed Stud, M Ed, GAICD, D Min 
Non-Executive Director

Mr Patrick Reid
Non-Executive Director

Mrs Debbie Ward
Non-Executive Director

Mr Nick Penman
Non-Executive Director

Dr Katrine Del Villar
BA(Hons), LLB(Hons), GDLP, PhD, AMusA, FHEA
Non-Executive Director